“High Value,” The Focal Point of New Akamai Partner Program
Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based content delivery network, has rolled out a new partner program intended to expand and support channel partners’ ability to deliver high-value services to their customers.
Partners can choose Basic or Advanced Certification levels, with additional training options and pricing incentives for Advanced Partners. Organizations can align their Akamai partnership with their own business models. Solution providers now have the ability to serve all of their customers’ Akamai product needs independently—from sales to service and support.
Financial incentives have also been realigned to emphasize greater rewards for partners that deliver greater value to their customers with Akamai solutions. Certified partners that deliver more services to customers benefit the most, maximizing the return on their investment in service delivery resources. In addition, Akamai’s tiered sales value structure has been updated to provide globally consistent benefits.
“We have designed our program to offer partners more flexibility, the opportunity for better profitability and more resources to deliver value-added services to their customers.” said Micheal McCollough, Global Vice President of Channels and Alliances at Akamai. “Certified partners that deliver more services to customers benefit the most, maximizing the return on their investment in service delivery resources.”
Channel Impact®
The new program provides greater flexibility, support, and financial incentives, as well as a new enablement program that offers training, certifications and support.
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