Gartner Predicts Determination and Sensitivity to Become Key Criteria in CIO Selection
Seventy percent of hiring processes of new CIOs rank individual determination and sensitivity as two critical personal characteristics in 2021, according to Gartner, Inc. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to shift the landscape for how global CIOs manage, collaborate and respond to their stakeholders, so too does the demand for strong leadership and core emotional dexterity competencies.
“CEOs are looking for executives who are capable of weathering crises,” said Daniel Sanchez-Reina, senior research director at Gartner. “They are still unsettled about the future and want determined CIOs who make and implement timely decisions, while displaying emotional dexterity to be tactful and supportive.”
Determination refers to a firmness of resoluteness as well as the ability to convert decisions into actions. Sensitivity is defined as the quality of feeling empathetic toward others’ difficulties and acting accordingly.
According to Gartner, demand for the determination competency among new hires increased 34% in 2020 versus 2019, and sensitivity increased 92% in 2020 as compared to 2019. Both competencies are in the top 10 of increasing demand in recruitment processes, which will extend to existing employees as well.
According to Gartner, the vast majority of IT and business leaders say that the most important skills needed in 10 years will be soft skills. The survey results showed that above average* CIOs are 30% more likely to practice gratitude as a self-development approach, putting them in a better position to deal with the fear and doubt that complex change brings.
Transparency ranked as the most commonly admired emotional dexterity leadership competency, followed by authentic communications and collaboration.
The Gartner CIO Emotional Intelligence Competencies Survey was conducted online from 14 through 28 September 2020, with 93 members of the Gartner CIO Research Circle, a Gartner-managed panel, across various industries.
Channel Impact®
CIOs who develop emotional dexterity in the digital era can improve their self-awareness, self-management and relationships during times of crisis.
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