Mission Cloud Launches Service to Further Customize AI Solutions on AWS

Published On: August 11, 2024Categories: Buzz

Mission Cloud, a Los Angeles-based company focused on cloud and AI services and software, has launched “Mission AI Foundation,” a new offering designed to help businesses optimize their AI solutions on AWS. The service focuses on AI solutions optimization, architecture guidance, cost optimization foundational best practices, cloud governance, and 24×7 enterprise support.

“To build robust AI workloads, it’s crucial to have well-architected cloud infrastructure as the foundation,” said Ted Stuart, President and COO of Mission Cloud. “This comprehensive approach enables our customers to focus on innovation and growth, knowing their AI initiatives are built on a reliable, secure and efficient platform.”

The service includes access to certified cloud analysts, technical account managers, solutions architects, and AI engineers delivered through a pay-as-you-go structure; guidance on various best practices; 24/7 support with AWS Enterprise-level SLAs; and
Large Language Model Operations (LLMOps) to build and maintain a dedicated operations pipeline.

Mission AI Foundation leverages Mission Control, the company’s cloud services platform, along with Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Q, to provide detailed cost visualization and management tools. The service also includes carbon footprint tracking, offering insights into the environmental impact of AI workloads.

As an AWS Premier Tier Partner, Mission Cloud offers end-to-end cloud services, innovative AI solutions, and software for AWS customers.

Channel Impact®
A vast majority of companies claim that AI is a top priority in their business plans. However, this widespread interest in AI adoption is often tempered by significant challenges, such as financial management, security, and knowledge gaps. This new service is intended to help channel partners address those issues.

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